Saturday, November 20, 2010

Berlusconis penis and other hugely important news stories

I finally found the time to continue this blog. And as in my new job as an online editor i read tons of weird news pieces i Thiught I'm gonna share some of these with you!

Just yesterday I wrote about a 83 year old killer granny. She's Austrias oldest murderer and...she's on the run! In 2007 she killed her then 77 year old neighbour - smacked her on the head and stole some jewellery and wine. She got caught though and was sentenced to prison for 18 years, in her age that's probably life-long. But, because of health probems she was released after only 10 months. Then police found outthat she was healthy again and therefore had to go back to prison. So officers went to her house to pick her up but she was gone. Her daughter said she was on a pilgrimage to Rome, but police thinks she's actually hiding in Poland, where she's originally from. The search for her is going on.

Every other day I also write about Berlusconi, cause a new scandal came up. The current one is really funny though! That guy got a new penis! Not for himself, (altough you could imagine that if all the sex-scaldals were true he could need a new one cause the original might be a little tired...), he got a for a statue of the god of war Mars that stands in front of the palace. There's also a Venus statue, she got a new arm. Now Berlusconi is being critisized for his noble gesture. The two body parts cost 70.000 Euro and next year it is planned to cut the budget for the cultural ministry in that doesn't look good. Also these statues are almost 2000 years old, it's just wrong to give them plastic surgery. The opposition loves it though. In contrast to Berlusconi they aged gracefully and weren't in need of this virility-lift.

On Thursday a really nasty accident happened in Germany. A 16 year old guy wanted to take a shortcut and crossed some tracks. Apparently he didn't see teher was a train coming, an ICE high-speed train, and got hit by it. He survived but lost both his legs. Of course I'm sorry for him, but he ruined his own life, so it's his fault. But why did he have to ruin the life of the train conductur too? I bet this guy git a huge shock and is probably devastated for years. Why can't people simply take an overdose of some sleeping pill instead of making other people suffer too? I especially hate the peole who jump of bridges and disrupt the train service for hours, usually just at the time when I'm on my work to some really important appointment. Personally I would jump of a building, but would make sure it would be somewhere out in a remote area so I wouldn't accidently land on a school yard...

So, now that I got some time, a working internet connection and a job that provides me with interestung stories, I plan to resume writing regularly! I hope somebody reads this...if not, it's still fun writing about these things :)

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